sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

friendship stuff

I always choose my friends carefully. I am not a person to whom openness comes easily. Sometimes I will even find myself asking my friends if I acted correctly or if that was the ideal response to a social situation. I even need my friends to point out to me if a girl is interested in me. I guess I was not born o have yet to learn how to pick up on these nuanced social queues. But with you I thought I did not need to ask. I believed you would tell me if what I was doing was wrong. I guess our biggest problem stems from bad communication, I should have told you that a sad responsibility of being my friend was to clue me in. tell me if something is wrong, if I am saying things in ways you cannot understand. Or even worse, misunderstand. Always ask me to clarify things. Because the worst thing a friend can do to me is not tell me the truth. It is not hurting me by telling me that I am not doing things right. It is not by telling me that I have hurt them or by hiding things because they think it might upset me. No it is no any of that, the worst thing they can do is not trust me. I hate that people take my social difficulties as excuses to treat me like an emotional child. While it is true it has taken me a long time to mature, it is not any less true that I can deal with shit. I have been dealing with shit my whole life. So to my friends all I can say is, trust me. Tell me the truth because I need to know it. I choose to be friends with you because I believe you can help me become a better person. 
Just don't hide shit from me. Don’t cut me off. Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth.

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